LOE's Student Produced Web Show (Northside College Prep.)
Published: February 6, 2018
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LOEs Student Produced Web Show
For the past several years, Living on Earth has been teaching kids in inner city schools across the country how to be environmental journalists.
The project melds science and journalism, and with help from mentors at nearby public radio stations, grounds them in the basics of professional radio production.
Today were featuring the work of students from the Northside College Preparatory School.
This is the first high school class to make a complete LOE show with the pieces that they created. They recorded the hosts who talk in the show, worked with music between pieces, and compiled everything for the final edition.
Click here to listen to the entire student produced web show.
Individual Audio Segments |
Jan Olowskis OlaMy Connection with Nature: |
Kevin Edgecombes Street Repair Frustration: |
Anna Kwidzinska and Owen Reynoldss interview with the founders of the Black Rhino Foundation: |
To learn more about this school, go to www.northsideprep.org.
To find out more about the Living on Earth Ecological Literacy Project, click here.
Back to LOE Student Productions
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