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Public Radio's Environmental News Magazine (follow us on Google News)

Farewell to Peter Dykstra

Air Date: Week of

Peter Dykstra was a journalist who worked on environmental issues for decades, including time at CNN's Science, Tech and Weather Unit, Environmental Health News and The Daily Climate, as well as Living On Earth. He was loved by many and will be missed. (Photo: Courtesy of Peter Dykstra's family)

Living on Earth host Steve Curwood announces the death of our beloved correspondent Peter Dykstra. We are preparing a tribute, and invite listeners to write in with your own fond memories.


We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the late breaking and so sad news that our beloved colleague and friend Peter Dykstra has died at 67 in an Atlanta hospital from respiratory failure linked to pneumonia.

Almost every week for more than a decade Peter was the puckish bard of concise environmental news and histories, delivered from his home in Atlanta with a twinkle in his eye you could hear on the radio.

We’ll have a tribute to Peter Dykstra later this month, and if you’d like to say something about him as well please write to comments@loe.org.

So, for now, with a heavy heart we say, good bye Peter, we miss you and thanks for everything.



EHN | "Environmental journalism loses a hero"

SEJ | "SEJ Mourns Loss of Long-Time Member Peter Dykstra"


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